Thursday 1 November 2012

Next Step . . .

On the 4th October 2011, I had yet another operation at Aintree Hospital; this time my consultant opened up my previous scar to run a cold probe over the nerves to try and kill them. He also tried the botox injections again and even though this was only a relatively small operation it left swelling and tenderness for a few weeks.

It was hoped that this would be the last of my troubles but the pain was still agonising and my jaw would still pop out of place, the only difference was that I was able to get it back into place myself, for a couple of weeks at least! Then I was back into the same routine of jaw coming out of place, to A&E, at the same time this was happening I had just got myself a job at tesco and I was studying a foundation degree to hopefully get myself into uni!
A particularly bad dislocation was on the 19th November 2011; I went to A&E and they tried everything to get my jaw back into position but couldn't, so I was transferred to Aintee Hospital, given painkillers and had to await the doctors verdict the next morning. They tried a local anaesthetic which didn't work so I was taken down for an emergency procedure to relocate my jaw. The pain was horrible and I had to get a sick note because my jaw was so unpredictable I didn't know if it would be in place when I was required to work. My jaw was back to the same menial routine:

-26/11/2011 - Gas and Air
-30/11/2011 - Gas and Air
-02/12/2011 - Gas and Air & Local Anaesthetic
-04/12/2011 x3! - Morphine, Medazalam and Gas&Air in Resus
-06/12/2011 - Gas&Air and Diazapan in Resus
-08/12/2011 - Gas&Air, Diamorphine and Relaxant
-09/12/2011 - Whiston A&E couldn't get my jaw back into place so yet again, I was sent to Aintree Hospital. The next day (10th December), they decided to wire my jaws together as I had 10 days left until a scheduled operation and both myself and the NHS couldn't cope with the amount of times my jaw came out of place!

Thought I'd seen the last of these arch bars but obviously not! I lived off smoothies, soups, complan and liquidised mush that my mum managed to blend together.

Trying to smile even though this was the time to cry! I lasted ten days with my jaws wired together until I was admitted for another operation in an attempt to keep my jaw in place!


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