Thursday, 1 November 2012

Spiralling Downhill . . .

So, July 2012, my jaw dislocates again...Whiston A&E were unable to relocate it after lots of gas and air, sedation and tears, they decided to transfer to Aintree to see if I had any luck there! When I got to their A&E I was taken to the Surgical Assessment Unit and a doctor did attempt to relocate it, but by now my jaw had been out of place for over 12 hours and muscle spasm was keeping it out, I was given morphine injections and transferred to ward 29 to wait till the morning rounds..
One of the registrars, spoke down her nose and said that "it shouldn't be out of place" and made out that I was exaggerating! I was in floods of tears, after a night with no sleep and agonising pain, I wasn't prepared to be told this! She injected local anaesthetic into the joints and did manage to get it back into place, but what she said still gets to me!!
Once seeing my consultant, he decided to do another attempt at arthrocentesis and also to remove my wisdom teeth on one side as he thought that maybe this could be an underlying cause to the muscle spasms causing my jaw to come out of place. During this small operation he also made a gum shield to wear at night to prevent any grinding of the teeth, and injected botox into the muscles as another attempt to prevent muscle spasm.
As you may have guessed by now, this didn't resolve the problem! It was by now a depressing vicious cycle and I was struggling to cope with the pain. I was literally in A&E every other day, and in total I have probably been over 200 times in 2 years. I began to write the dates down and here they are...

28/08/2011 - Jaw dislocated
01/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Medazalam and Morphine
06/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Gas and Air 
12/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Medazalam and Pain Relief
16/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Gas and Air
20/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Medazalam and Morphine
22/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated x2 - Medazalam and Gas & Air
25/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Had a General Anaesthetic in Resus
27/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated x2 - Gas & Air and Local Anaesthetic
28/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Gas & Air, Morphine and Medazalam
30/09/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Gas & Air and Local Anaesthetic
01/10/2011 - Jaw dislocated - Gas & Air, Morphine and Sedation
03/10/2011 - Jaw dislocated x2 - Sedation and Local Anaesthetic

22nd September 2011 - Whiston A&E, gas and air had been used and failed, so I was taken into resus and sedated, they then had to hold my jaw in place whilst it spasmed and then they bandaged it tightly to try and let it settle...

27th September 2011 - Being left to get myself drugged up on gas and air before they attempt to manipulate it back into place.

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